Friday, May 13, 2011

Another frustrating Dr visit

My visit to Dr Phan, my family doctor, was a little trying. After explaining to him about how I daily have problems concentrating, and many days falling to sleep still, I expressed my frustration in finding a course of action so that I can get back on course to at least begin looking for work again. His response "Oh, I do not see any reason why you cannot look for work."

So the fact that I cannot concentrate, and the fact that my comprehension skills are diminished, and the fact that I may need to sleep for a few hours in the day, these are not limiting factors for looking for work?

For instance, this morning I went out to breakfast with a few guys from South Portland First Baptist Church at Uncle Andy's in South Portland. I did fairly good there but by the end I could feel myself starting to slip. By the time I got home at 9 I had to lay down and sleep and I slept until 1 pm.

I think it is time to begin looking for a new MD, one that better understands the nature and impact that migraines can have in a person's life, or at least one that listens to me and comprehends what it means when I say that I need help in trying to manage these migraines.

In the meantime Dr Phan has told me that I should go back to see the neurologists for further treatment.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Concentration Lost

Embers of memories dance in my mind this morning, flashing like lightning bugs in the summer grasses causing distractions, making it impossible to focus. There is a constant annoying internal buzz that I hear, some call it white noise but it is loud, very loud for me. Perhaps it is just my auditory sensitivity that makes me acutely aware of its presence and how it distracts me.

I am deeply distracted this morning. I try to focus on my daily Bible reading and it is hard to keep that focus, which is unusual for me at least this early in the morning. So I turn to prayer and it is hard to focus on prayer. I feel agitated and ... well distracted.

The lack of concentration is probably one of the most annoying traits of my migraines. It affects my ability to study, to recall information I should know, to learn new things.

I desperately wish these migraines would go away and I could get back to work. I am bored around here and wish for some level of normalcy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

People with pain struggle with despair

I was reading in Job 3 this morning and I could certainly understand the pain that he was experiencing, or at least some of the pain.
The words spoken by Job reflect a heart that was struggling with despair. He was questioning why was he born. Why wasn't he stillborn? As I reflected on these words I remarked on how similar they are to any of our reactions to pain in our lives.
Then I began to generalize a bit. Think about it. People who struggle with pain want to escape that pain. There is nothing worse than persistent pain, a pain to which you cannot find a way to manage, that seeps into your day and crushes the will. You struggle to push on and you put up the defenses of determination. However, slowly despair will creep in through the cracks.
Despair is the ugly twin of pain, and I acknowledge its presence. However, I take steps to limit its power. I reach out to others and try to help others rather than just focus on my own problems. I continually remind myself that it is God who is sovereign and in control and that He has a purpose and a plan for my life and yes, a purpose and a plan for the migraines, although I do not have a full understanding of this at this time.
So for others facing pain, or despair, first acknowledge its presence. It is there, don't deny it. Second, take steps to limit its power. Look beyond your own circumstance and how you can use your circumstance to help others.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

An All Night Vigil

It has been a long day and night, and now in the early morning hours I find myself still in pain. Dear God, the pain is bad and I can only hold on for another day. I do not know why I have pain, but I know you are faithful, and I will trust You. I know you make the rain fall on the just and wicked.

My stomach is wrenching, my head pounding. I wish I could have some relief from this, give me strength please. Holy One heal me of this pain.

Let me find some sleep Lord.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sleepless fatigue

Most of the time when I get a migraine I have extreme fatigue, and in most cases just collapse into a chair and sleep for several hours. I had a day like that on Tuesday.

However, today is different. I feel extreme fatigue but so far I am not able to get to sleep. I wonder if it is because my intestinal tract is all screwed up this morning?

In the book, The Migraine Brain, I learned something interesting. Apparently migraines can affect your intestinal tract and can cause either constipation or diarrhea. In fact in children who get migraines, their most common problem is this. They rarely have the headache that accompanies the migraine, which is what makes diagnosing migraines more difficult in children. According to The Migraine Brain, doctors have to eliminate all other causes to make a diagnosis of migraines.

So here I sit in a listless state, my intestinal track rumbling like a logging truck over rough roads.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Another day, another migraine

Wakefulness came early today, around 4:30 AM. While I could not fall back to sleep, I still felt the nausea and pain that a new migraine day brings with it.

Today is interesting, that annoying high pitched whine is predominant in the right ear. Noises around me are bothersome; for example we have an under cabinet blower for our FHW heating system in the kitchen. I am two rooms removed and still the blower noises bother me.

Light is an issue this morning too.

Around 7AM I started to drift back off to sleep, slipping into that migraine stupor that leaves you feeling lifeless.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cloak and Dagger

I made it through this morning pretty well, knowing that a more severe migraine was just lurking somewhere around the bend. True to form, a cloak of darkness descended around 1 this afternoon. Now the daggers of pain continue to pierce through the fabric and leave me feeling like a lifeless blob. It is hard to think, to concentrate. My left arm has a slight tingling from about the forearm to the fingertips. The intensity of the pain is about 8 to 9. I reserve 10 for when I pass out. I feel like sleeping but if I drop off now I will wake at midnight not able to sleep again.

I dislike the pain raking across brow of my eyes.

I had read in the book, The Migraine Brain that fluctuations in blood sugar can also trigger a migraine attack. I took my blood sugar before the severe onset of symptoms and my sugar is only at 189 mgl, which is not great, but it has been worse. Also the sugar is at the same level it was when I woke and took it in the AM.